We do detoxification through dieting and also herbs and I will post some articles concerning these issues.

The liver is a vital organ in our bodies and we need to look after it. So many diseases started in the body due to the fact that the liver is overloaded.
Things like excessive weight, high blood pressure, general digestive problems, irritable bowel syndrome, skin rashes, allergies such as hay fever, hives and asthma, auto-immune diseases, some types of arthritis and the modern-day epidemic of chronic fatigue syndrome.
Many people also suffer from daily headaches and/or migraines. Many people go to neurologists and chiropractors in order to get a solving for this problem, but never have they ever thought about the fact that it could be their liver. Paracetamol, if taken for a long period or in high doses is particularly toxic to the liver.
People don’t always realize that by just cleansing their liver could solve this problem. There is also help for women who suffer from HRT (hormone replacement therapy). Women who are often experience weight gain and/or side effects because of the HRT place an extra burden on the liver. The liver has to work harder to break down the hormones in HRT and some types of progesterone can cause increased cholesterol.
What are the benefits by cleansing the liver?
A lot of above mentioned problems can be solved if you follow a liver cleansing diet. Older persons will especially find the liver cleansing a great tool for increasing longevity and vitality.
I can’t emphasize enough how important liver cleansing is to all people, especially over the age of 55
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