The company's vision is
to become the world’s leading direct selling company by generating more income for
our distributors than any other company. As long as we’re helping more people achieve their dreams, we’ll keep daring to dream big.”
Since 1984, this company has demonstrated a distinctively different approach to business—through its rewarding business opportunities, innovative products,
and enriching culture that attract people from all walks of life who share a common mission to be a force for good in the world.
The company has established a platform where independent business owners can thrive, as evidenced by the more than US$6 billion paid in distributor commissions in only 25years of operation. In 2008 alone the company’s commission payout exceeded US$500 million. At the same time, the company has paid 25 distributors more than US$20 million in commissions, while 621 distributors have generated more than US$1 million in commissions.
From the capable management team, friendly employees, and distributor
guests that fill the company’s offices, it’s evident that the strength of the company
lies in its people.
“This business allowed me to explore new challenges, acquire new skills and develop a sense of purpose in life. The excitement of making new friends from around the world was a by-product. This was supported by a Company renowned for its integrity and innovation. This business also allowed me the flexibility of working from home around my, then, young children.”
Mary-Lorraine Mitchel
“ This company allowed us the flexibility to start our own business with almost no risk, and very low capital.”
Darrel Cheng & Sharon Fu
“ In my 17 years with the company the products and opportunity have never been better.”
Michael Anderson nderson
Blue Diamond Executive xecutive
With more than US$1.2 billion in annual sales, Nu Skin markets innovative products with benefits that can be demonstrated. The company’s three major brands, Nu Skin (personal care), Pharmanex (dietary supplements and nutritional products) and Big Planet (technology), offer a wide variety of opportunities that improve life for millions of people around the world.
The company's scientific engine is powered by more than 100 scientists and collaborations with leading research institutions. The result is a portfolio featuring advanced products that offer scientifically substantiated benefits to consumers.
The company has taken this dedication to the next level by developing cutting-edge business tools that distributors can use to clearly demonstrate the difference of its nutrition and skin care products.
As a distributors you will become part of a great global family of like-minded individuals whose focus is on improving people’s lives. Distributors are intent on helping one another succeed while at the same time lending a hand to those who may not be able to help themselves. The companie's Force for Good Foundation™ and Nourish the Children™ Initiative are just two platforms that distributors and employees have to make the world a better place for generations to come.
Through the Nourish the Children Initiative, customers, distributors, and employees can provide meals to children around the world through the company’s non-profit partner, Feed the Children. In five short years, the company and its distributors have generously donated more than 119 million nutritious meals to children in need throughout the world through the Nourish the Children Initiative.
The collective efforts of this group are dedicated to saving as many of the five million children who die each year from malnutrition as possible. This innovative corporate program received the American Business Stevie Award for the Best Social Responsibility Program of 2007 and the 2007 AmCham Corporate Social Responsibility Award in Shanghai, China.
The Wealth Maximizer component of the Sales Compensation Plan is one more aspect that demonstrates the company's difference and opportunity.
Every month, they automatically analyses your organisation and computes commissions using two different calculations. This revolutionary commission element ensures that they will pay you the maximum commissions possible—a truly unique concept.
Wealth isn’t about the number of zeroes at the end of your bank statement—it’s
about quality of life and living comfortably.
People who can enjoy the journey and make their dreams reality are wealthy.
While they are known as a company of leaders, and more than 621 worldwide
Distributors have generated more than US$1 million in bonuses and commissions
since 1984, they have also helped large numbers of people become “thousandaires.”
These are people who are realising incremental income through their opportunity, income that is enhancing their quality of life. What could you do with an
extra $1,000 a month? No matter how you define wealth personally, we can help
you achieve it.
If you are interested in this offer, please fill out the OPPORTUNITY form on the right hand side and I will contact you within 24 hours
Monday, November 30, 2009
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Natural Health
So many people struggle with their health and excessive weight. I think you will be glad to hear that we also work on Natural Health Issues and on the moment we just advise people about taking care of their health.
We do detoxification through dieting and also herbs and I will post some articles concerning these issues.
Today I want to talk about cleansing the liver.
The liver is a vital organ in our bodies and we need to look after it. So many diseases started in the body due to the fact that the liver is overloaded.
Things like excessive weight, high blood pressure, general digestive problems, irritable bowel syndrome, skin rashes, allergies such as hay fever, hives and asthma, auto-immune diseases, some types of arthritis and the modern-day epidemic of chronic fatigue syndrome.
Many people also suffer from daily headaches and/or migraines. Many people go to neurologists and chiropractors in order to get a solving for this problem, but never have they ever thought about the fact that it could be their liver. Paracetamol, if taken for a long period or in high doses is particularly toxic to the liver.
People don’t always realize that by just cleansing their liver could solve this problem. There is also help for women who suffer from HRT (hormone replacement therapy). Women who are often experience weight gain and/or side effects because of the HRT place an extra burden on the liver. The liver has to work harder to break down the hormones in HRT and some types of progesterone can cause increased cholesterol.
What are the benefits by cleansing the liver?
A lot of above mentioned problems can be solved if you follow a liver cleansing diet. Older persons will especially find the liver cleansing a great tool for increasing longevity and vitality.
I can’t emphasize enough how important liver cleansing is to all people, especially over the age of 55
We do detoxification through dieting and also herbs and I will post some articles concerning these issues.

The liver is a vital organ in our bodies and we need to look after it. So many diseases started in the body due to the fact that the liver is overloaded.
Things like excessive weight, high blood pressure, general digestive problems, irritable bowel syndrome, skin rashes, allergies such as hay fever, hives and asthma, auto-immune diseases, some types of arthritis and the modern-day epidemic of chronic fatigue syndrome.
Many people also suffer from daily headaches and/or migraines. Many people go to neurologists and chiropractors in order to get a solving for this problem, but never have they ever thought about the fact that it could be their liver. Paracetamol, if taken for a long period or in high doses is particularly toxic to the liver.
People don’t always realize that by just cleansing their liver could solve this problem. There is also help for women who suffer from HRT (hormone replacement therapy). Women who are often experience weight gain and/or side effects because of the HRT place an extra burden on the liver. The liver has to work harder to break down the hormones in HRT and some types of progesterone can cause increased cholesterol.
What are the benefits by cleansing the liver?
A lot of above mentioned problems can be solved if you follow a liver cleansing diet. Older persons will especially find the liver cleansing a great tool for increasing longevity and vitality.
I can’t emphasize enough how important liver cleansing is to all people, especially over the age of 55
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Beauty Treatment and Massage

Younger Looking Skin Is Just A Week Away
The systme I'm using in my salon is a product that is clinically proven to diminish fine lines and wrinkels, refine texture, improve elasticity and even skin tone while delivering moisturisation essential for younger looking skin.
All of this comes in a systme that is gentle enough for all skin types to use every day, yet powerful enough to produce visible results in just seven days.
Your skin is telling you it's time to make a change. Decide today to look younger next week by ordering this phenomenal product or make an appointment for a luxurious facial treatment. This revolutionary product, called Nu Skin 180 degree, is designed to help reverse the full range of ageing effects and is clinically proven to help diminish fine lines and wrinkles, refine texture and even skin tone for anoverall more youthful appearance.
Each product in this system plays an integral role in delivering the folowing benefits:
- Begins to reverse the effects of biological and environmental ageing in as early as seven days.
- Helps erase the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
- Works to firm the skin.
- Increases skin smoothness and radiance
- Diminishes the appearance of pore size
- Minimses the look of age spots and discolouration
- Repairs signs of past UV exposure and protects skin against the drying effects of the sun.
Target Audience:
Men and wonem ages 35+ who want to diminish the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, improve their skin tone and texture and reverse the signs of sun damage.
Massage is a “hands on” therapy where we work with the soft tissue to facilitate change and reduce muscle tension and pain.
Massage improves blood flow to the muscle tissue and other soft tissues (eg: tendon, ligaments and connective tissue). It enhances the uptake of oxygen and nutrients and flushes out toxins resulting in healthier muscle tissue. It also helps to realign muscle fibers and can lower levels of Cortisol (stress hormone) and calm the central nervous system.
How does a regular massage benefit me?
Sports massage
•Remain injury free
•Improve your performance
•Speed up your recovery between training sessions and events
Therapeutic/remedial massage/NMT
•Reduce the incidence of headaches
•Resolve your lower back pain
•Improve your posture and become pain-free
Relaxation massage
•Scheduled time-out for yourself
•De-stress and reduce your muscle tension
•Quieten your mind and assist in a good nights sleep
•The De-stress Express package below is for you!
I was reading a massage magazine recently and was reminded of something for you to get the
best out of your treatment: YOU!
We offer several different types of massage here at Nabreska's Beauty Salon;
all of which are beneficial, some techniques may suit some people more than others and some
personalities may suit some people more than others too.
Therefore it is important that you as a client are aware of your role that you play in your
massage session too, to get the best out of your time here at Nabreska's Beauty Salon.
Both the therapist and the client bring something to the table.
We bring our attention, compassion, intuition, knowledge and professionalism, we do our best to be present physically and mentally.
You, the client may bring a variety of things such as your job, the traffic jam you were caught in, even recent arguments, frustrations and worries. But of course there are many
of you that bring your curiosity and attention and the ability to let go.
The healing process is aided by the ability of you, the client to be interested in what’s going on in your body and your ability to let go.
Stay Present
Be in the moment, in your body. Don’t think about that meeting you have after the massage,
what to have for dinner or that ever-growing To Do list, try letting all that go and join your
therapist in your session.
Be attentive
Stay focused on what your body is telling you, if you can’t tell if one area is less sore from one
session to the next how will you know if your making progress? During the session are you
holding your breath when the therapist finds a “good” spot? Are you tensing other muscles? Or
are you relaxed and focused. Get to know what your tension feels like.
Know your limits
If you are aware of your tension levels, you will know what you can handle as far as intensity of
pressure and let us know! If your suffering in silence...who loses? If all the surrounding muscle
tissue is tensing up because of the “pain” then it’s defeating the purpose of the massage.
Yes sometimes it maybe uncomfortable to facilitate change in the muscle tissue but we want to
work within your limits and you are the only one who can let us know if we are doing that.
Feedback is key!
Make it
How long does the effects of a massage last for you? A few days, a week? With a little extra
effort you can learn to retain the benefits for longer. Stay away from caffeine pre and post
massage, do your stretches and exercises you have been prescribed by your therapist, relax and chill out after your session, use heat and/or ice where needed, be aware of habitual postural
patterns that need change.
Remember you only get one body in this life, you must look after it, so why not be a
little more involved in your massage session; be present and enjoy!

How does a regular massage benefit me?
Sports massage
•Remain injury free
•Improve your performance
•Speed up your recovery between training sessions and events
Therapeutic/remedial massage/NMT
•Reduce the incidence of headaches
•Resolve your lower back pain
•Improve your posture and become pain-free
Relaxation massage
•Scheduled time-out for yourself
•De-stress and reduce your muscle tension
•Quieten your mind and assist in a good nights sleep
•The De-stress Express package below is for you!
I was reading a massage magazine recently and was reminded of something for you to get the
best out of your treatment: YOU!
We offer several different types of massage here at Nabreska's Beauty Salon;
all of which are beneficial, some techniques may suit some people more than others and some
personalities may suit some people more than others too.
Therefore it is important that you as a client are aware of your role that you play in your
massage session too, to get the best out of your time here at Nabreska's Beauty Salon.
Both the therapist and the client bring something to the table.
We bring our attention, compassion, intuition, knowledge and professionalism, we do our best to be present physically and mentally.
You, the client may bring a variety of things such as your job, the traffic jam you were caught in, even recent arguments, frustrations and worries. But of course there are many
of you that bring your curiosity and attention and the ability to let go.
The healing process is aided by the ability of you, the client to be interested in what’s going on in your body and your ability to let go.
Stay Present
Be in the moment, in your body. Don’t think about that meeting you have after the massage,
what to have for dinner or that ever-growing To Do list, try letting all that go and join your
therapist in your session.
Be attentive
Stay focused on what your body is telling you, if you can’t tell if one area is less sore from one
session to the next how will you know if your making progress? During the session are you
holding your breath when the therapist finds a “good” spot? Are you tensing other muscles? Or
are you relaxed and focused. Get to know what your tension feels like.
Know your limits
If you are aware of your tension levels, you will know what you can handle as far as intensity of
pressure and let us know! If your suffering in silence...who loses? If all the surrounding muscle
tissue is tensing up because of the “pain” then it’s defeating the purpose of the massage.
Yes sometimes it maybe uncomfortable to facilitate change in the muscle tissue but we want to
work within your limits and you are the only one who can let us know if we are doing that.
Feedback is key!
Make it
How long does the effects of a massage last for you? A few days, a week? With a little extra
effort you can learn to retain the benefits for longer. Stay away from caffeine pre and post
massage, do your stretches and exercises you have been prescribed by your therapist, relax and chill out after your session, use heat and/or ice where needed, be aware of habitual postural
patterns that need change.
Remember you only get one body in this life, you must look after it, so why not be a
little more involved in your massage session; be present and enjoy!
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